What sparked your passion?

I get asked this question a lot. What is it that sparked your passion? How did it move on from an interest to something you dedicated your time and life to?

I remember sitting on a beach in California*, taking a sip of wine and thinking it was just the god damn best thing I’d ever tasted. For the first time I could taste the layers and the complexities and I wanted to know more. Why was this different to any other wine I had…what made it so special. ​​​​​​​​
As I moved through my wine journey, learning, tasting (yes, I’m very dedicated to the tasting) and better understanding what goes into every drop of wine I consume I became enthralled. ​​​​​​​​
Now - it’s gone further for me, taste isn’t a singular sense. It’s affected by smell, your surroundings, it’s history, by sight, by touch, by memory. Wine is an experience and I love sharing my experiences with you.​​​​​​​​
* this photo is not that wine, nor is it that beach. This is a quaffable Californian Chardonnay that was keeping me company while I was watching the jet skiers brave the Bournemouth seas.




Welcombe Hills Vineyard