6 wines in 6 days

Well, it’s been a busy week of virtual wine tastings. We’ve explored 6 wines in 6 days; Chardonnay, Rosé, Chianti, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir. After each tasting I’ve released the highlights on my instagram stories and I got great feedback from you all, saying you found the 30s insights into the wine really helpful. It’s certainly been a learning curve and honing into a skill to reduce ALL the information I want to tell you all into a very short snippet.

It’s been a fun challenge, and I’ve enjoyed every minute. I rounded up the busy week with a stay at home cocktail evening alongside my quaranteam (drinks details below). Thank you again to everyone who has taken part in Olive & The Vine virtual tastings this week. I’ve been overwhelmed with the amount of people who have not only taken part, but have also booked onto actual tastings once this is all over!

I’ve just released the grape varieties and the available dates for the next couple of weeks for you to book onto (although they aren’t as intense as 6 in 6). I’ll block these out as soon as they go so it’s first come first served. Gather your friends and family and do something different! Stay connected, stay kind and drink wine.  


Jenni’s Super Simple Espresso Quarantini:

x1 shot Vodka

x1 shot Baileys Irish Cream

x1 shot strong Espresso

Method: Shake it up with some ice and pour

Miso’s Kitten Nightcap:

x1 serving Whiskers Kitten Milk

Method: Serve on the rocks


04. WOTW - Gayda, En Passant


03. WOTW - Domaine Fourrey Petit Chablis